Saturday, January 30, 2010


Somehow the cell phone companies have taught us that it's okay to throw away phones after two years of use. It was different when the phones were cheap with very few features. Getting a new phone every couple of years meant the difference between a monochromatic and a colored screen.

But now phones are all about how many features can we stuff into them. And people look forward to the two year anniversary of their contract signing because that means swapping one expensive phone for another equally expensive phone. Or some don't even wait until their contracts end and just drop the $100+ to cancel. Are the new features really worth it?

I upgraded from a pay as you go flip phone to an iPhone a year ago. Best decision ever. But I'm really hoping this phone will last longer than two years because that upgrade made a serious dent in my wallet. I have yet to find another phone that will radically change the marketplace after the iPhone.

Though... that new Google phone looks damn good.

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