Friday, July 15, 2011


It's funny how things have a way of working out sometimes. There always feels like there's a sense of destiny to the world.

My best friend's getting married soon, and her mom was telling me the story of her mother-of-the-bride dress fiasco. Her original hot pink dress which would've made her look super stunning never came in. The store had ordered her the wrong dress and wouldn't order her a new one for complicated reasons that I'll leave unexplained. So here we are two months before the wedding and no dress.

She ended up going to this other store where dresses were altered and sold off the rack. There was no ordering involved. And she found an even better dress that fit her style for $100 less. This is where the story got good because there was genuine excitement at the great find. The best part is she already has the dress in her possession since it doesn't have to be ordered.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the progress and consequence of events. Sometimes, all you can do is keep an open mind and hope for the best. Had my friend's mom negatively reacted to the dress situation, she would never have found an even better alternative. Instead, she took initiative and opened up to other options. And perhaps it's best to just have a little faith that in the end things always sort themselves out.

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