Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Dinner Menu

This year I volunteered to cook Christmas dinner. Why, you ask? Because I'm a great daughter. And because I've been doing nothing but gorging myself on my dad's cooking since I got home.

After much deliberation, I think I've settled on the perfect menu. This menu is sure to please as well as conceal any amateur mistakes that may arise.

The BLT Prime Popover
This soft and flavorful bread course will no doubt evoke great memories of when my brother and I enjoyed the delicious popovers at BLT Prime earlier this year. Of course my sure-to-be somewhat burnt and flat popovers will be all my own.

Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Spinach, Mushrooms, and Gruyere
This piece of meat will no doubt be enjoyed by the whole family, a family that doesn't always appreciate the pork belly for being too "fatty". And a stuffing of spinach, mushrooms, and cheese - all of which are inherently juicy - will mask the dryness of the pork itself.

Roast Fingerling Potatoes
A step up from our typical mashed potatoes. They might or might not end up mashed by individuals.

Broccoli and Peppercorn Drizzled with Cheese
Obligatory vegetable dish. But made better with cheese!

We'll see if this actually happens. My mind's been changing every other day, so check back with me to find out if I cooked or if we just ordered Dominoes.

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