Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hi there. Welcome to my life.

Sometimes, I wonder how often I've inadvertently become a part of people's memories. How many pictures have been preserved with me in the background? How many times have I made cameo appearances in videos tourists took as they walked down the streets of New York? How many families have I joined all around the world?

With more and more technologies becoming mainstream, I now have a slew of opportunities to be a part of people's lives. But now, with these technologies, I'm actively participating in random people's lives instead of just being a passive shadow. Active and invasive to the point where it's almost creepy - but for some reason it's entirely acceptable.

It used to be that only public figures made a name for themselves. But the lines between public figures and the everyday citizen are increasingly blurred. It's interesting how destinations like YouTube and Twitter have sprung up and just how willing people are to forgo the luxury of privacy in order to share their lives with people all over the place. As of right now, over 18 million people have watched David as he came back from the dentist. And every time I search Twitter for real-time news updates, I'm reading people's thoughts; people who I don't have any relationship with. I've also visited the domain name that shares my name and read a random girl's blog.

This leads me to wonder who I'm sharing my life with. I've publicly posted so much of my information in all pockets of the web. This blog is public (though I don't believe too many people are reading it). So in addition to me joining people's lives, I'm actively welcoming more people to be a part of mine.

Also, on a completely random tangent, I love The Sound of Music. I can't count how many times I've seen this movie.

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