Friday, June 19, 2009

The Great Wall

The latest news is that I'm getting the keys to my new apartment today! Very excite.

It's a one bedroom, but my roommate and I are converting it to a two. Which means we went out and leased a wall. Did you know you could lease walls? Like people come in, construct a wall, and then take it down when you no longer want it anymore. This is still a novel idea for me.

This opens up a huge range of possibilities. Such as ditching the standard door and installing saloon doors for dramatic entrances every time. Or installing four walls for a small square room in the middle of the living room. Or requesting a garage door and playing Indiana Jones or Ali Baba every time you want to enter and exit the room.

Multiple people warned me of the impracticalities of straying from the standard wall/standard door combo, though, so I went with the boring and mundane choice. But that still allows me the option of decorating my wall. I haven't yet decided what I want to do with it. Wall decals seem all the rage, but I'm having trouble accepting the option of paying money for something I can paint myself. Perhaps I'll Tom Sawyer it and have a wall painting party and have people finger paint abstract pieces.

Any ideas?

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