Friday, May 22, 2009


The New Yorkers and foodies will know just how wonderful a discovery I have made. My dad just bought a new grill, and I've learned that I can make Cuban grilled corn - a la Cafe Habana. Found the recipe online.

I made a couple of changes to the recipe. Instead of cayenne pepper powder/chili powder, I used Tobasco chipotle sauce (couple of dribbles before putting on the mayo and sour cream mixture). And because I didn't have Cotija cheese, I shredded some Monterey Jack and hoped for the best. But the best idea I had was adding some garlic powder to the sour cream and mayo concoction. Most other recipes called for garlic butter, so I decided to mix the two ideas for an even fattier (read: tastier) treat.

No pictures of the results, but you can bet the corn was effing delicious. Grilled until the husks burned off. Topped off with more lime juice than was necessary. Yum.

Burgers were involved too, but the corn definitely overshadowed the burgers. I'll have more time to experiment with different burger flavors in the future now that I've figured out I don't have to wait in line forever to get Cuban grilled corn.

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